P.J. Connelly

Director, Governor’s Eastern Office & Intergovernmental Affairs

Name: P. J. Connelly


Summers as a Camper: 8 years as a camper at Spring Day Camp, 2 years as a Spring Day Camp Trainee


Years as a Staff Member/Positions held: 

2008-2011 - Spring Day Camp Counselor

2008 - Sea Gull Sailing Staff & Camp 2 Cabin Counselor 

2010-2011 - Horseback Riding Staff at Camp Seafarer

2012 - Camp Seafarer Assistant Land Director

2013 - Assistant Day Camp Director


Current Profession and Title/Years in role:

Director of Governor’s Eastern Office & Assistant Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, I have been in this role for two years and have been with Governor Cooper’s Office for seven years in various capacities. 


Can you provide a brief overview of your job responsibilities? 

I’m Responsible for representing Governor Cooper in eastern North Carolina by coordinating  projects between local governments and the Governor’s Office. I stay on top of the impacts of federal and state policy changes on local governments (for example, infrastructure and broadband, funding and rule changes, federal and state fisheries issues, disaster declaration, and ag transportation waivers, dredging, bridges, road construction, economic development projects, permitting, etc.). I also foster and maintain relationships with elected and government officials at all levels of government to ensure effective communication, particularly in crisis situations such as natural disasters, pandemic, fires, major employer closures, hospital closures, etc.


Do you have any career advice for members of our Camp community?

Treat Camp as a character and professional development greenhouse! You’re in a super special and protected place that is set up to allow you to grow and learn quickly at the earliest stage in your adult life. 


What do you believe have been some of your greatest personal and professional accomplishments? Is there a goal toward which you are currently working?

My primary career goal is ensuring government works best for all people, particularly those who most need it to work for them. 

Greatest professional accomplishment: During the early months of the COVID-19 Pandemic, I chaired a committee of engineers to assess North Carolina’s broadband technology options. We then coordinated with a public-private partnership team of geographers to assess map those broadband options to communities across the state to get students and families connected to the internet for remote learning.

I also oversaw the installation of hotspots at state-owned facilities and delivered hotspots that were mounted to school buses to bring internet to more families at a time when internet connectivity was critically needed. 


How do the values or skills you learned at Camp show up in your everyday work and/or personal life? 

At Camp, I learned that most problems are just a miscommunication and that has carried through to interactions with every level of government. Regardless of accolades, professional accomplishments, education level, etc., two or more people talking past each other is almost always at the root of the issue. Taking a moment to pause and assess the situation from someone else’s perspective can allow you to ascertain where miscommunication could be occurring. 


Is there a person or a situation that had a huge influence on you while you were at Camp? How and why did they/it impact you?

As a young Spring Day camper, I excitedly took one lick of one of those super frozen fudgesicles and my whole tongue was stuck to it. Instant panic ensued and I was certain my life as I knew it was over. I was done for! But then, Slim, a counselor, calmly rescued me from peril by pushing my head one way and the fudgesicle the opposite way. I learned that everything turns out all right in the end and if it’s not alright, it’s not the end. 


Favorite Camp meal: Chinese food night!


Favorite special event at Camp: I love a fireball carnival! Also, golf ball trail beach.


Devotion you best remember from Camp: The toothpaste devotion


What profession other than your own would you like to try? Labrador retriever trainer


What would you eat if you could only have one food for the rest of your life? NC Seafood 

P.J. Connelly Headshot