Setting Goals
Setting goals is the first step for overnight campers. Whether a camper's goal is to achieve the highest Sailing ranks or to simply earn awards on Land activities, going to Camp Sea Gull and Camp Seafarer with a plan is a great approach.
In the spring, look for a mailing from Camp with several pieces of information including our Goal Setting Guide.
Program and Ranks
Camp's Program Directors explain the ranks, activities and programs and how all these work together to deliver a summer of skill development and fun for your camper.

Rank Books aka Green and Blue Books aka Land and Sea Manuals.
Camp rank books give campers a map to decide what they want to do at Camp. There is a beginner level for early ranks and then campers build on the skills they've learned to achieve higher ranks.
Each rank has clear skill sets and instructions. Campers can look back and see what they have achieved and see what they need to learn for the next rank.
Younger or newer campers can try everything and see where their interests are. By the time they are more seasoned campers after four, five or six summers, they are earning advanced ranks, some of which may take a full four-week session to complete.
Letter to My Counselor
Each spring, campers are asked to draft a short letter to their future cabin counselors. This helps lay a foundation before coming to Camp. Campers can outline their goals for the summer and tell their counselor a little bit about themselves. A reminder about the letter is included in the Goal Setting Guide materials campers receive in the spring.